I waited until I had the time to actually sit down and read this post, which took me exactly one month apparently but oh, what a delight. I'll be reading it again and will share it with glee. thank you for this! I look forward to future apparitions

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We love vulnerability 🖤

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I have often and very angrily sought my idea of perfection. Maybe it was part of my upbringing from having an Asian family and high expectations? Maybe it affected my sensitive soul into learning to survive, I must have thicker skin and never show any signs of femininity or sensitivity because it is seen as weak or too fragile. But yet, I found that being hard and trying to reach that “perfect child” award was killing me and the way my soul would feel in this world. I was becoming a zombie like entity going through this world pretending, nothing hurt, but nothing was pleasurable either. I chose the pain to feel the pleasure. Choosing myself and creating me in my own image. People love to see me fall, but they forget and are surprised every time when I show them that I rise every time. It’s sometimes slow, but I rise nonetheless. Rise, rise in they that makes most joyous. Rise, remembering that you are free. Rise, knowing that there will always people loving you, even when you don’t feel it and see it.

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